Portable 24H Advanced BP Monitor


  • Handheld Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor.
  • Designed based on Oscillometric Theory.
  • Continuously and dynamically monitors blood pressure for up to 24 hours, providing accurate diagnostic information.
  • Suitable for hospitals, clinics, and other medical institutions.

Main Features

【Compact and Portable】User-friendly interface for easy use.

【Wide Patient Range】Suitable for adults, pediatric patients, and neonates.

【24-hour Ambulatory NIBP Monitoring】Can record up to 350 sets of ambulatory NIBP data.

【Combination of Automatic and Manual Measurement】Allows recording of up to 300 sets of data with manual measurements.

【High-definition Color TFT Display】Provides clear visibility.

【Data Review Interface】Includes "data list," "trend graph," and "big font" for easy visualization of NIBP data.

【Display Elements】Low power prompt, alarms, error messages, and time.

【Dual Units】mmHg/kPa.

【Language Switch】Switch between Chinese and English.

【Parameter Alarm Disposal Function】Optional feature.

【PC Connectivity】PC software enables data review, analysis of measurement results, trend graph viewing, report printing, and more.

【Software Features】

  1. Connect to the device via USB interface.
  2. Download NIBP measurements from the device.
  3. Display trend graphs in various formats (scoop-shape, filling-type, histogram, pie chart, correlation line graph).
  4. Edit NIBP data and add annotations.
  5. Edit basic information, doctor's advice, NIBP status instructions, current medication information, etc.
  6. Supports report printing and print preview.

Main Performance

  1. Measure: NIBP
  2. Measure Method: Oscillometry
  3. Measure Mode: The upper arm measure
  4. Automatic Measure Interval: 15, 20, 30, 40, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 minutes
  5. Measure range: Pressure:0k Pa (0m mHg)~38.67kPa (290 mmHg)
  6. Resolution: 1 mm Hg
  7. Accuracy: ±3mm Hg
  8. Prompt parameter: SYS, DIA
  9. Inflation: automatic inflation by a force pump
  10. Deflation: automatic multi-step deflation
  11. PR: detects pulse rate and irregular heartbeats
  12. Measure range: 40bpm~240bpm
  13. Resolution:1bpm
  14. Power supply: DC 3V (2×1.5V AA alkaline dry battery)
  15. Safety type: internally powered device, type BF applied part with defibrillation protection

Packaging & Delivery

Single weight: 350g
Product size: 128mm*69mm*36 mm
1*Cuff for adult
download software
1*User manual
1*USB data line

Подчеркнута гибкость OEM
MOH-Готовая документация
Расширенные варианты обслуживания

Дата доставки : 30-45 дней

Логотип/цвет : Настраиваемый

Документы: Бюро здравоохранения полная документация.

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